Magick Journal of Daily Life  

Magick Journal of Daily Life

Author: Lux Deorum

An audio magick journal of contemplation and experimentation. Join me on my journey. From astral projection, energy work to hermetica and everything in between.
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Language: en

Genres: Religion & Spirituality, Spirituality

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Harnessing Your Personal Power Through Prayer & Ritual
Thursday, 6 April, 2023

In today's episode, we explore the transformative power of prayer and ritual in managing our personal state. Our emotional and mental states can significantly impact our daily experiences, and by harnessing the power of these magical practices, we can shift our mindset to radiate confidence and personal power. We'll delve into the importance of prayer, share simple rituals for boosting confidence, and discuss how to integrate these techniques into your daily life. Join us on this magical journey and discover how to create lasting change and face life's challenges with grace and ease.


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