Set to Jet  

Set to Jet

Starring Sean Riccio, Jason Zapata and James Sutton!

Author: Sean Riccio

Being the auditorial adventures of three geeks in Knoxville, TN. One is a comedian, one is a writer and the other is James. Every week we'll discuss news of the world, the latest developments in pop culture, funny goings-on and have special guests from the worlds of Comedy and Beyond. Strap yourself in, because we are Set to Jet.
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Language: en-us

Genres: Comedy

Contact email: Get it

Feed URL: Get it

iTunes ID: Get it

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Set To Jet has moved to!
Thursday, 10 November, 2011

Hey there Jet-Setters, this is your host Sean Riccio telling you that we have moved to our new home, You'll find our new RSS feed there for iTunes or however you subscribe to the show, the new website of course, and soon info on our iPhone and Android apps. Please switch over and thanks for listening!


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