Into Your Head  

Into Your Head

Author: Neal O'Carroll

Neal O'Carroll spins hilarious offbeat comedy monologues fueled by untethered imagination generic energy drinks and a unique twist on Irish wit and dry humour, with absurd analogies, unexpected laughs around every corner. In the distant far future? In a flying space car perhaps? Feed dilapated? Site gone? Everybody dead? Search on Archive dot org for Into Your Head or Neal from Ireland or Neal O'Carroll to find the permanent archives of Into Your Head.
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Language: en

Genres: Comedy, Personal Journals, Society & Culture, Stand-Up

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846: Not Too Many Ems On The Outside
Episode 846
Wednesday, 19 March, 2025

Neal EXPOSES how motorists are disappearing in a secret holding pattern, MAKES the case for appetisers for a better drip feed regime, EXPLAINS how things that skip generations are never lost, SHOWS how statues of rubber things can demolish boundaries, DEVELOPS a new folding building bricklaying technique in real time, RECALLS a decade watching a boat grow in a driveway and DISCUSSES listener dog segment consumption notes, emergency landings on Street Cleaning Night, life behind your unopend eyelids, mapping a closed fridge, shameful mathematician verbal habits, the condition Boy Scout Neck, the post knot era, wireless charging versus childrearing. an unexpected song from the musicals, rescuing harmonicas, tandem design, brick design, Muppet helmet design, cloning the historic Bray Town Hall McDonalds, selling your regenerated body double, how architects work, helmet design for animal Muppets and more. CONTACT THE SHOW: Visit LOW BITRATE EDITION: A new lightweight alt feed of Into Your Head for the bandwidth impaired - See INTO YOUR HEAD SHORTS: On YouTube, TikTok, Instagram or on site - Go to LICENSE: Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 - Attribution: Neal O’Carroll - Far future humans can find hundreds of shows on Archive dot org.


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