Sea Grant and Lake Superior  

Sea Grant and Lake Superior

Author: University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute

The world's largest freshwater lake in surface size, Superior is a unique jewel of the Great Lakes system and is an area of both considerable economic activity and increasing environmental concern. Find out how Wisconsin Sea Grant has supported various initiatives to help foster and sustain the economic and environmental vitality of this freshwater ocean.
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Language: en-us

Genres: Natural Sciences, Science

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Superior's Sister
Sunday, 27 January, 2013

In this final episode, Shon Schooler from the National Estuarine Research Reserve (NERR) explains the goals of this exciting new project at St. Louis River estuary. The St. Louis River is the largest American river that flows into Lake Superior, and has been an important transportation hub for many decades. University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute has helped sponsor much research in this estuary, including the new research being conducted by Emily Stanley and graduate student Luke Loken on sediment deposition in the estuary. They talk about the goals of their ambitious research project, and then University of Wisconsin Sea Grant science communicator Marie Zhuikov closes the series with a poem about the intertwined symbiotic relationship between Lake Superior and the St. Louis River Estuary.


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