Make Before Break  

Make Before Break

A podcast about doing meaningful work.

Author: Frank Courville and Angelo Stavrow

Frank and Angelo discuss some of the wins and woes they come across in trying to focus on and even define meaningful work, in the context of Apple-based software development. Join them in the struggle.
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Language: en-ca

Genres: Education, How To, Self-Improvement

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Episode 21: The One About Stream Decks
Thursday, 20 February, 2020

Frank and Angelo discuss the daily diary of small steps, Angelo's return to Swift, the value of guidance when learning complex things, and Frank's new Stream Deck. Make Before Break is a podcast about the struggle in doing meaningful work. If you enjoyed the show, we'd love it if you left a review on iTunes. We don't do ads, so if you'd like to help offset our production costs, you can buy us a coffee ( Visit us on the web (, follow us on Twitter (, or send us an email (


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