Creating a podcast  

Creating a podcast

Author: Bhagvan Kommadi

how to create a podcast
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Language: en

Genres: Education, How To

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Digital Assistants
Sunday, 5 September, 2021

Digital Assistant tracks users’ habits, activities, and behavioral characteristics. Financial data and products can be personalized to meet and anticipate each user’s unique and changing needs. Each user will have one’s own digital personal financial assistant.  Artificial intelligence-based digital assistants can help banks handle their compliance monitoring by creating a natural language processing system to read through the legalities of regulations and reassemble the words into a set of computer-understandable rules. IoT, AI, VR, AR, and bots technologies are changing the way data is created, collected, interpreted, and communicated. It will be important to be able to detect and isolate infected or malicious AI programs immediately, and develop effective policy and laws for governing their development and use so that personal information is safeguarded and not misused.


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