Staying On Beat  

Staying On Beat

Author: Beatnation

Follow our journey in learning about the world of beatbox in different countries and culture. Learn about this alternative culture where people don't talk, but create music to communicate.
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Language: en

Genres: Music, Music Interviews

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EP 3 with Piratheeban - Mental Breakdowns, Singapore Community and Wildcard Problems
Friday, 21 February, 2020

Rising to his fame at a young age and going through severe self-doubts and mental problems, Piratheeban spills out all that haunts him in the past few years and what made him fell off the face of the Earth. Talking deeply about his thoughts on the Singapore community, he also shared his personal opinions on wildcards and why online wildcards may dampen the potential of future beatboxers. Beatnation is Malaysia's Beatbox Company creating stable opportunities for Beatbox Enthusiasts since 2011.


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