The Labour Land Podcast  

The Labour Land Podcast

Author: Frankie. Hypnobirthing Company

The Labour Land Podcast brought to you by Hypnobirthing Company. Your place to hear about all aspects of pregnancy, birth and beyond, from industry experts and those with first hand experience.
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Language: en

Genres: Kids & Family, Parenting

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Placenta remedies with guest Louise from Mandala Birthing.
Episode 9
Sunday, 20 June, 2021

Louise and I discuss placentas and the options you have when it comes to what to do with it once baby is born. Louise, a professionally trained and well experienced placenta remedies specialist, discusses the process of turning your placenta into capsules, locations and tinctures. We look at the benefits and the the impact these remedies can have on you, both physically and emotionally, in the postnatal period. Find out more about the work Louise does at... Find out more about Hypnobirthing Company and the courses on offer at If you haven’t already, please subscribe so you never miss an episode. Also please review and recommend, it’s an important way to help new listeners discover the show. Thank you.


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