Making Sense of Pets  

Making Sense of Pets

Author: Beckie Mossor

Veterinary Technicians Ryan Frazier, Angela Elia, and Beckie Mossor unravel the myths, questions, and important stuff you need to know about keeping your pets healthy and happy, with a bit of humor on the side.
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Language: en

Genres: Kids & Family, Pets & Animals

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Car Safety for Pets with Michael Leung of SleepyPod
Monday, 26 April, 2021

We all love to watch our pet enjoy the fresh air of the world whizzing by in the car. But do we put much thought into car safety for pets, and the consequences of NOT thinking about it? Join us as Michael Leung, Founder of Sleepypod talks about restraint safety essentials and why Sleepypod is changing the way we think about carriers and car safety for pets!


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