The List: All The Games... Eventually  

The List: All The Games... Eventually

All The Games... Eventually

Author: Engine Within Network

The only video game podcast working directly from the official list! Well... we made a list of games and now we're going to talk about them. We tend to take a deep dive into games so spoilers lurk around every corner; but, don't worry. We also stick to games that are a couple of years old. We are not a before you buy show. We are the conversation you cant wait to have with your friends who just finished that game you love. Join the conversation and email us at
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Language: en

Genres: Leisure, Video Games

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The SuperHot Episode
Wednesday, 29 July, 2020

SUPER... HOT, SUPER... HOT, SUPER... HOT,... "The most innovative shooter I've played in years!" This week The List reviews another older game that Duncan chose, SuperHot from The SuperHot Team. Just about everyone says it's the most innovative shooter they've played in years (I promise we'll explain that joke in the episode); but, the truth is this game really was innovative and turned the shooter genre on it's head. If you played SuperHot, or even if you didn't, you can tell us all about your experience by writing to us at News Sources: Supported this week by: Hotcorp (SuperHot) You can support the show too! Visit Or And, as always, a special thank you to Joseph McDade who wrote and preformed our theme music. Find more of his music at or support him by visiting


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