My Letter isn't Scarlet, it's Fucking Gold.  

My Letter isn't Scarlet, it's Fucking Gold.

Author: Kayla Yoder

My Letter isnt Scarlet, its Fucking Gold is designed to be a platform for women to tell their stories. Its all about vulnerability and sharing how women have overcome adversity, shame, conditioning, and fear to start claiming their sexual power and live a more turned-on and fully-expressed life. Sexuality is so taboo and shamed in so many cultures, and its a part of life where so many women struggle to follow their desire and confidently go after what they want. The idea behind having women share their stories is for at least one person listening to resonate and say, me too, know that they arent alone, and that they, too, can get through the challenge.
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Language: en

Genres: Health & Fitness, Mental Health, Sexuality

Contact email: Get it

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91. Up-leveling through a break-up with Kim Mellor
Wednesday, 1 June, 2022

Manifestation Coach, Global Wellness Leader, Author & Podcast Host Kim Mellor is powerfully impacting the lives of thousands of women throughout the world. Her mission is to empower 1 Million women to live their highest vision, freedom & joy. @kimmellor_


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