Life & Safety with Jimmy Rios  

Life & Safety with Jimmy Rios

Author: Life Safety Associates, Inc.

Welcome to Life & Safety with Jimmy Rios! Get ready to dive into a world where safety meets storytelling! Drawing from his rich background as a former firefighter, EMT and safety expert, Jimmy brings you straight into the heart of safety and emergency preparedness. Episodes feature easy-to-understand tips, real-life stories, and interviews with experts, all designed to help you protect yourself, your business, and those you care about.Whether it's advice on navigating everyday safety challenges or insights into the latest in health and safety trends, let this podcast educate and entertain you. Join Jimmy and level-up your safety knowledge with engaging discussions that could one day save a life.
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Language: en-us

Genres: Business, Courses, Education

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Busting First Aid Myths: Butter, Vaseline, and... Windex?
Episode 7
Tuesday, 7 May, 2024

Ever found yourself pressing a nosebleed victim's head back or reaching for butter after a burn? Let's face it, we've all been there, but it's high time we separated fact from fiction. Megan and I venture into the entertaining, yet enlightening, realm of first aid myths, beginning with the pandemonium of playground injuries. As we traverse through the do's and don'ts of nosebleed management, we'll arm you with the knowledge to keep your cool and your nosebleeds under control, debunking age-old advice that you should definitely leave in the past.Our journey doesn't stop at nosebleeds, though. We're peeling back the curtain on an assortment of home remedies that might have made our grandmothers proud but won’t earn us any points in the modern world of wound care. Discover why tampons and toothpaste should stay far away from your first aid kit, and how a culinary mishap led to an unexpected campfire treat. Plus, Megan and I update you on the latest seizure protocol, ensuring you're equipped with the safest and most effective response techniques. Spoiler – it's nothing like what you've seen in the movies.Now, we're throwing the mic over to you! Join us as we encourage our community to share, question, and challenge the health and safety myths they've encountered. From the seemingly plausible to the downright bizarre, we're ready to tackle them all. And remember, your curiosity isn't just encouraged; it's essential. So, jump into the comments and let's keep the myth-busting momentum going. Together, we're not just having a blast; we're crafting a safer, more informed world, one busted myth at a time. Life Safety Associates specializes in emergency response training for corporate ERT Teams. We help businesses create competent and confident first responders who are ready to handle unexpected emergencies. For more information you find us @lifesafetyassoc or


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