hits from my dong podcast!  

hits from my dong podcast!

Author: hits from my dong!

totes tranter & swicks podcast full of dj sets, interviews, exclusives & yeah!
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Language: en-us

Genres: Music

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#5 Live @ Swick's Garage ft. J-Eye
Monday, 7 February, 2011

#5 J-EYE LIVE FROM SWICK'S GARAGE Finally a new mix from the garage, it's been ages but it's worth it cause this mix is awesome and its by our little friend "J-EYE". He is only like 13 and this is the best mix we have had on the podcast so far haha. We met "J-EYE" through our friend dge who is a weirdo and it is his younger brother. just wanted to say that to let everyone know that we are not weirdos who hang out with 13 year olds in garages haha. Me & J-EYE have been exchanging music for a year and have planned for him to do a set in the garage a while ago now he has finally done it and it's awesome. Maybe i am just saying it is awesome cause he put some of my tracks in. nah its good. get it now! you may need to wait a while or refresh the page for the podcast to come up should work though!


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