

music for fun

Author: matteogost

Language: en-us

Genres: Music

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Episode 5
Saturday, 24 September, 2011

Finally my exams are over and now i can come back on podomatic for a new episode! TRACKLIST: 1) Actress - Again The Addiction [Werk Discs] 2) Robag Wruhme - Tulpa Ovi [Pampa Records] 3) Kids In Tracksuits - Real Axe [Dealmaker Records] 4) Maxmillion Dunbar - Love Loop / Socket Bonus [Ramp Recordings] 5) Dennis Ferrer - The Red Room (Kyle MF Hall Rmx) [Objektivity] 6) John Daly - This Is A Lonely Beat [Drumpoet Community] 7) LNR - Work It The Bone [House Jam Records] 8) Caribou - Odessa (Junior Boys Rmx) [City Slang] 9) Cosmin TRG - Form Over Function [Fifty Weapons] 10) Exist -1Beat, 2Feet [Atjazz Record Company] 11) Osunlade - Ser Al Santisimo [Yoruba Records] 12) The Oliverwho Factory - Galactic Transit (Recall Mix) [Rush Hour Recordings] 13) Alfabet - Roundabout [Rush Hour Recordings] 14) Cassette Boy - Parker Knoll [Spymania] 15) Bibio - Jealous Of Roses [Warp Records] 16) Boards Of Canada - Every Thing You Do Is A Baloon [Skam] 17) FaltyDl - Brazil [Planet Mu]


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