Don't Pee on Your Leg (and other scientific misconceptions)  

Don't Pee on Your Leg (and other scientific misconceptions)

Author: Two Birds, One Scone

Is it dangerous to wake a sleepwalker? Is it a good idea to pee on your leg after a jellyfish sting? Join biologists Camden and Margaret as they explore and address these scientific misconceptions and many more! With new episodes every two weeks, join the discussion of scientific misconceptions, with the hope of you learning something you didnt already know about the world! If you have scientific misconceptions that youd like explained or want to provide feedback to us, please email us at "Don't Pee on Your Leg" (DPOYL) is a podcast produced by Two Birds, One Scone. Articles, blog posts, and more about what you can do every day to conserve our environment can be found at
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Language: en-us

Genres: Science

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E72 - Ladybugs and Steak
Thursday, 11 April, 2024

Margaret and Camden discuss whether the spots on a ladybug determine its age (08:54) and if the red liquid that comes out of your steak is actually blood (22:02).


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