People First - All Else Follows  

People First - All Else Follows

Author: John Philpin

You are in business. You are good at what you do. You feel safe, but keep wondering how long you have before what you do is automated, outsourced, off-shored, replaced or just made obsolete. It will happen. Nothing stands still. So neither should you. I worked in Silicon Valley for over 30 years. You succeed in that environment by continual transformation. Join the conversations to cut through the noise and understand how real people at work and play balance priorities every day to make a living and provide the best life possible for themselves and those around them all there while with an eye on the future. This podcast was launched in 2020. It was really catching on - and then .. well you know how life changes on a dime? Mine did. But we are back - a different URL, a revised cover and a real world example of 'continual transformation. Maybe I'll do an episode about it one day. The image featured on the cover art is by Alina Grubnyak on Unsplash here:
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Language: en

Genres: Business, Entrepreneurship, Management

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Why Don't We All Have Agents
Episode 76
Sunday, 1 January, 2023

Interesting References From The PodcastThe recording that appears in the middle of the podcast is by Johnny Rivers. You can listen to it all here.People First LinksPodcasthttps://podcast.peoplefirst.businessNewsletterhttps://newsletter.peoplefirst.businessBloghttps://peoplefirst.businessBook To Support People FirstBeyond sharing what you read, see and hear far and wide, we have a single page that links to the various worlds where you can show your support through a number of different mechanisms. John


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