Mummy, Kahani Sunao!  

Mummy, Kahani Sunao!

Author: Lakshmi Seth

Become a Paid Subscriber: Stories are the best way to experience magic.. A magic that makes us live many lives and experience and learn from other's experiences. Robert McKee once said "Storytelling is the most powerful way to put ideas into the world." Well, Mummy, Kahani Sunao! is my way to put ideas into the world. It is dedicated to my mum as it's through her that I developed the love for stories. Not only that, it through those stories, my mum helped develop wisdom and knowledge about so many aspects of life that those pearls of wisdom, help me at every moment of my life. Hope you will enjoy and learn!!
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Genres: Kids & Family, Stories for Kids

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Diwali - Day 4 - Govardhan Pooja | Hindi Story
Episode 14
Tuesday, 2 November, 2021

Govardhan Pooja is celebrated for thousands of years. But what is the story behind it? This is a story involving Lord Krishna and Lord Indra. How did their paths cross? Let's listen to the story and find out right away... Video Story | Youtube | Support Us | Website | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter #festivalsOfINDIA #mummykahanisunao #diwaliseries #govardhanpooja #govardhanpuja #Diwali #indianfestivals #storiesofindia #storiesofdiwali


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