Error 414: Pod Not Found  

Error 414: Pod Not Found

Author: Error 414: Pod Not Found

In the age of technology and a 24/7 seismic news cycle, there is a significant lack of resources for Generation Z to learn about the world of politics and government without it being something from Encyclopedia Brittanica or buried underneath social media articles. Error 414 serves as a casual resource for politically inactive/active college students to learn about political concepts and government without being shamed for not knowing exactly what a caucus is.
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Language: en

Genres: News, Politics

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A Podcast Politics Q&A
Friday, 14 May, 2021

For the last episode of the spring semester, Ana and Nancy took a break from the Gen Z Political Blindspot to take some questions from the audience! Hear Nancy's favorite president, Ana's favorite political moments, and what a filibuster actually is. The podcast/radio show will be on a summer hiatus until fall semester starts again. Tune in Fall 2021 for more!


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