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Choosing GratitudeAuthor: Karin Yee
If you have been trying to consciously and deliberately create your life with the law of attraction or spiritual principles, I have some simple yet powerful techniques to assist you to truly transform your life. My name is Karin Yee. I am an intuitive Astrologer trained in Chinese and Western Astrology, a Law of Attraction practitioner for over 20 years, and a level III Reiki Master. Through this podcast, I'd love to share how I found true fulfillment in life, both internal and external. Join me. Lets co-create! Meet me at my website www.choosinggratitude.net Language: en Genres: Religion & Spirituality, Spirituality Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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Install a Magical Vision Board in Your Subconscious Mind (Guided Meditation & Subliminal Booster)
Thursday, 19 August, 2021
Do you have a vision board? Vision board is a fun and effective tool in law of attraction that many people use for visualization and manifesting. We just entered into the brand-new year of 2019. Are you using a vision board to jump-start your new year? ------------------------------------------------------------------- ✅ FREE subliminal course: 68-second manifestation magic: https://www.choosinggratitude.net/68sec ✅ FREE Chinese Astrology Training Kit - Decode Your Life in 15 Minutes https://www.choosinggratitude.net/decode ------------------------------------------------------------------- ✅ Our ultimate subliminal course: Manifest while you sleep: https://choosinggratitude.net/pages/manifest-while-you-sleep ✅ Manifest money and abundance in 30 days: https://choosinggratitude.net/choosing-abundance ✅ Download FREE Divine Protection Affirmations and Subliminal: https://www.choosinggratitude.net/divineprotection ✅ Download Free Gratitude Life Transformation Subliminal: https://www.choosinggratitude.net/freesubliminal ✅ Learn LOA at Choosing Gratitude Website https://www.choosinggratitude.net ✅ Our Blog is packed with LOA insights and success stories! https://choosinggratitude.net/blogs/gratitude-tribe-insights ✅ Tony Robbins best-kept secret to creating success and impact! https://bit.ly/tonytrainingfree ✅ Our merch store for gratitude shirts and merchandise https://www.choosinggratitude.net/merch ------------------------------------------------------------------ Sometimes what we perceive with our conscious mind doesn’t become a solid belief in our subconscious mind, which is why many people have no success with their vision boards. What if we install a vision board directly into your subconscious mind? In this video, I will help you install a magical vision board in your subconscious mind using guided meditation and a visual subliminal booster. ------------------------------------------------------------------- ✅Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thegratefulchoice/ ✅Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thegratefulchoice ✅Subscribe to my YouTube channel now: https://www.youtube.com/choosinggratitude?sub.confirmation=1 *Above links may contain affiliate links ------------------------------------------------ Join my personal journey of making gratitude a choice on a daily basis! Gratitude is the highest vibration of the universe, and it can be cultivated. Through this channel, I share many step-by-step techniques and processes to help you get into the feeling and vibration of gratitude--- the only place where you can be a powerful creator of your own life and make all your dreams come true. There is no way to gratitude. Gratitude IS the way. #choosinggratitude #lawofattraction #Magicalvisionboard