The Send Noods PodcastAuthor: rcadeglasgow
Welcome to the Send Noods Podcast. Each week Androo and Sam run through all the latest news from the world of R-CADE, video games, and Japan. Language: en Genres: Games, Leisure, Video Games Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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Hip Hip Huawei, Video Game Delays, Next Gen Release Rumors, and Markiplier Should Do This Stuff
Episode 7
Friday, 24 January, 2020
The Send Noods Podcast - Jan 21st This week Sam and Androo are joined by one of R-CADE's new recruits Nadia. They talk through the latest going on's at R-CADE, the biggest video game news from around the globe, and suggest some new ideas for Markiplier's new YouTube series... Nom nom nom!