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«Dialogues of the Peripheries» project: how to find common ground with other countries of the Global South?
Episode 6
Wednesday, 4 October, 2023

"One of the problems is that we are perceived as part of the West, which colonized and exploited other countries". In March, our editorial team initiated a special project aimed at finding a common language and ways of support between the countries of the periphery. ❓ Why should such a dialogue form the basis for reforming and strengthening new global security guarantees? Why should Ukraine shift its focus from a Eurocentric discourse to gain broad support? ❓ What mistakes does Ukrainian diplomacy make and what fundamental things do politicians fail to understand when seeking support in the Global South? ❓ And what could unite the countries of the periphery to fight against different imperialisms? Listen to the English-language episode of the podcast "Too Long, Didn’t Read" with our journal editor, historian, and serviceman of Ukrainian Armed Forces Taras Bilous. And follow the new publications of the “Dialogues of the Periphery” special project on our website. Hosted by Aliona Lyasheva, editor of Commons Journal, sociologist. Translation and voice acting by Olenka Gu. Podcast edit: Mark Kulik. Please support our journal.


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