CSIS- Conflict Starts In Sexuality  

CSIS- Conflict Starts In Sexuality

Author: Les Soleil

Have you ever witnessed the ways that gender, sexuality and power interact with concern to the relationships between customers, management & basic social interaction? Well if you haven' should start. This podcast series will be discussing the myriad ways in which conflict starts in sexuality. I have a minor in Critical Studies in Sexuality, so I'll be sharing my take from my academic background/lived experiences from the communities I've encountered. It's time for people to be the people who see, not just look...
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Language: en

Genres: Health & Fitness, Sexuality

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Your Hair Does Not Conform, Man.
Episode 3
Sunday, 24 May, 2020

*Full disclosure- construction was taking place just outside my kitchen window. Apologies for the tapping sound.* Today’s Woodside looks at the trope of gender conformity, through the performativity of hairstyles.


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