Cisco Hands On Training Podcast  

Cisco Hands On Training Podcast

These podcasts include recordings of hands-on Cisco exercises. I recommend you scrounge or buy 3 routers, build a triangle, and follow along.

Author: Darrell Root

A video podcast showing Cisco hands-on training exercises.
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Language: en-us

Genres: Education, How To, Technology

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IPv6 RIPng dynamic routing
Saturday, 13 March, 2010

The linked video demonstrates RIPng, our first dynamic routing protocol for IPv6. This is a simple but inefficient routing protocol. The metric is based on number of router hops, with no provision for differentiating between links with drastically different bandwidth (a frame-relay hop has the same cost as a 10-gig-ethernet in RIPng). Each router multicasts its entire routing protocol out each interface every 30 seconds, which wastes router CPU. RIPng routinely takes minutes to reroute around network failures.RIPng does have the refinements added in RIPv2. For example, it multicasts its route updates. It is also capable of including tags in the route updates.The big advantage of RIPng is that it is simple to understand. But in production that is not good enough. RIPng is a perfect protocol for a computer science student to implement as a class project due to its simplicity, but having the PBX unreachable for 3-5 minutes while routing reconverges is unacceptable in a business environment.


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