More Than a Pretty Face  

More Than a Pretty Face

Author: Dr. Azadeh Shirazi

Board Certified Cosmetic Dermatologist Dr. Azadeh Shirazi, or "Dr. Azi," takes listeners more than skin deep by answering patient questions, interviewing experts and taking us behind the scenes of her practice. Learn about injectables, entrepreneurship, skincare secrets, lasting success, relationships, lasers and living in La Jolla with one of the most in-demand derms in So Cal.
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Genres: Arts, Fashion & Beauty, Health & Fitness, Medicine

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Filler vs. Facelift: The Truth Behind the Trend
Thursday, 27 February, 2025

Is filler really the enemy, or is the media just shifting the narrative? Lately, there’s been a surge in claims that plastic surgery is the ‘better’ option, leaving people in their 30s questioning whether they should skip injectables and go straight for a facelift. But let’s be real—surgery is a big step. In this episode, Dr. Azi and Nurse Lacie break down the facts, debunk the fear-mongering, and help you understand the best approach for your skin and aging goals. Here’s a timeline of what we cover: 1:30 Lacie learns about tucking 5:50 Dr. Azi’s third child has a skin condition 7:50 Dr. Azi’s daughter starts a non-profit 9:43 Why is everyone getting facelifts?  14:00 The art of fillers and how to go undetected  17:20 When you should get under-eye filler 18:45 The best way to stay youthful longer ___________________________________________________________________ Submit your questions for the podcast to Dr. Azi on Instagram @morethanaprettyfacepodcast, @skinbydrazi, on YouTube, and TikTok @skinbydrazi. Email Shop skincare at and learn more about the practice at The content of this podcast is for entertainment, educational, and informational purposes and does not constitute formal medical advice. © Azadeh Shirazi, MD FAAD.


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