

Author: Alfa Vedic

Not your typical alternative health show, Alfacast is a weekly discovery into the often misunderstood realms of real science, nature and the human condition. Dr. Lando and Mike Winner cover an assortment of topics from a unique perspective seldom heard in todays counter culture echo chamber.
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Language: en

Genres: Alternative Health, Health & Fitness, Natural Sciences, Science

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#265 - The Secret Life Of Germs - Isopathics w/ Dr. Barre Lando & Mike Winner
Wednesday, 12 March, 2025

The mass hypnosis would suggest that World Peace, albeit an idealistic concept, will remain elusive and unobtainable into the unforeseeable future.  The truth is, Peace, is not out there, it's within all of us who seek it. Conventional Medicine likens the human body to a military theatre, in which war must be waged against "germs & disease".  Collateral damage aside, any means must be employed to bring the enemy at bay. We don't understand why, but Nature will inevitably turn against us, it's not a matter of if, but when! War has its roots in ignorance and fear, so how can we realize Peace 'out there', when we wage war against our own biology?  Fortunately, there is a different path in the field of health care, and it's called Bioterrain Medicine. This is a much discussed topic in past episodes of Alfacast, but today our focus will be on the indigenous elementals that dwell within, whom without, we would fail to physically thrive.  We'll go deep into the many aspects and attributes of our silent partners, while focusing on the the use of Isopathic preparations that should be the core of any enlightened medical practice. The correlation of World Peace and aligning medicine with the wisdom of Natural Design is not at all a farfetched extrapolation.  When we replace fear with knowledge, and come to peace with our own body, it will out picture to the world at large as the only real inevitability all along.   ~ Dr. Barre Lando Join Mike & Barbara O'Neill In North Carolina March 18-22 Learn The True Nature Of Dis-Ease & How Our Bodies Actually Work: Join Our Private Community And Join In The Discussion: Follow our new YT channel: / @offgridelegance Get our favorite blue blocker glasses! Learn how to express your law and uphold your rights as one of mankind. Alfa Vedic is an off-grid agriculture & health co-op focused on developing products, media & educational platforms for the betterment of our world. By using advanced scientific methods, cutting-edge technologies and tools derived from the knowledge of the world's greatest minds, the AV community aims to be a model for the future we all want to see. Our comprehensive line of health products and nutrition is available on our website. Most products are hand mixed and formulated right on our off grid farm including our Immortality Teas which we grow on site. Find them all at​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ Follow Alfa Vedic: Follow Mike Winner:


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