Naval History Podcast  

Naval History Podcast

Author: Historical Research and Consulting LLC

From Salamis to Trafalgar to midway to the 21st Century: A history of sea power and naval warfare from prehistory to the present.
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Language: en

Genres: Courses, Education, History

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Naval History Podcast Episode 7
Episode 7
Monday, 23 July, 2018

In Episode 7 of Naval History Podcast, we conclude our coverage of the Peloponnesian War with a study of the Decelean War, during which most of the naval action shifts back to the Aegean. During this most violent phase of the war, the Persian Empire intervenes in an effort to gain power in the region, bankrolling Sparta and protracting the war, even as Athens, still predominant at sea, struggles to survive. Notable commanders include The competent, unsung Thrasybulus and the flawed Conon (on the Athenian side); the capable but unfortunate Mindarus and the reckless Callicratidas (on the Spartan side); and, shifting his allegiances as he sees fit, the psychopath Alcibiades. All of these men, and thousands of other Greeks, struggle for their empires and for their lives as the long, bloody Peloponnesian War at last nears its violent climax.


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