Coast to Coast Outdoors Podcast  

Coast to Coast Outdoors Podcast

Author: Coast to Coast Outdoors

A place to discuss the great outdoors from Coast to Coast. Topics include Hunting, Fishing, Conservation, Camping, Brushcraft, and everything outdoor related.
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Coast to Coast Outdoors Episode 18, We speak with Blaine Caulkins, the Chair of the. Conservative Hunting and Angling Caucus.
Episode 18
Thursday, 10 September, 2020

Coast to Coast Outdoors Episode 18.   * Note I said Episode 17 when it should have been Episode 18.*   We speak with Blaine Caulkins, the Chair of the. Conservative Hunting and Angling Caucus. The Conservative Hunting and Angling Caucus is a group of Conservative parliamentarians who eat, sleep and breathe hunting and angling. This group was created to address the concerns of Canada’s hunting, angling, and trapping community. Conservation is essential to protecting Canada’s rich natural history. Hunters, anglers, and trappers have committed countless volunteer hours and millions of dollars to the conservation of fish, wildlife, and habitat. Conservatives recognized these contributions by creating the Hunting and Angling Advisory Panel. This panel, made up of organizations with long traditions of conservation, helped inform programs and activities related to conservation, hunting, and fishing, all while encouraging the effective stewardship of Canada’s marine and terrestrial wildlife. We created the Recreational Fisheries Conservation Program to work alongside like-minded partners to improve the conservation of recreational fisheries habitats. Conservatives will always stand up for law-abiding firearms owners. As experts have pointed out, blanket gun bans will do nothing to curb gun violence, only making criminals of firearms owners who already follow the law. Only our Conservative Government opposed the wasteful and ineffective Long-Gun Registry that targeted law-abiding hunters and farmers but did nothing to prevent crime. We kept our promise and scrapped the Long-Gun Registry, so that firearm owners are no longer treated like criminals for simply owning a long-gun, and taxpayer dollars are used more efficiently. Canada’s Conservatives support Canadian hunters, anglers, and trappers. The hunting, angling, and trapping community can depend on the Conservative Party to stand up for their way of life because it is our way of life as well. We’re working to ensure the long term viability of Canada’s wildlife resources while establishing conservation programs and protecting the environment.  


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