AI: Artificial Imagination  

AI: Artificial Imagination

Author: dbo Media

What does AI dream about? We fuelled AI's imagination with single, randomly-selected words, plus a short descriptive phrase. It then created a series of dreams, which include finding a love from a previous life, commemorative rituals, chess playing dogs, a shape-shifting orchestra and more. The scenarios - and their AI-generated interpretations - are a mix of surreal, comedic, and scary. AI: Artificial Imagination is written and performed by AI, and produced by humans.
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Language: en

Genres: Fiction, Science Fiction, Technology

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The Minister of Fast Food / The Porter in the Forest
Episode 5
Wednesday, 1 March, 2023

An actor has something in his eye, and a minister mixes salt with dirt. Our final dream in this series is a nightmare in a forest… These are the scenarios that AI conjured up when prompted with a set of single, randomly selected words and one descriptive phrase.


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