Your Brain at Work  

Your Brain at Work

Author: Neuroleadership Institute

In organizations around the world, leaders are facing a deluge of urgent issues: a crisis in employee engagement, the need to make workforces more diverse, and the challenge of making workplaces feel human in an era of increasing dependence on technology and remote communication. At the NeuroLeadership Institute, we believe brain science can help provide solutions. Join us on Your Brain At Work, the official podcast of the NeuroLeadership Institute where top researchers and thought leaders share breakthroughs in brain science and industry leaders reveal the strategies behind their success. By helping them understand how the brain works, we equip leaders with the tools to transform their organizations building new habits and changing how people work, communicate, and make decisions. Combining research and practice, brain science and business leadership, Your Brain at Work explores how insights from the lab can provide solutions that work across industries and at any scale. Season 1 guests include broadcast journalist Soledad OBrien; Dean Carter, Director of Human Resources, Finance, Legal, Shared Services at Patagonia; Deb Bubb, Vice President of Learning and Inclusion at IBM; and FD Wilder, Senior Vice President of Go-To-Market Strategy and Innovation at Procter & Gamble. Your Brain At Work. Helping make organizations more human.
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Language: en

Genres: Business, Science, Social Sciences

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The Science of Self Regulation in a Complex World
Episode 7
Friday, 21 February, 2025

Feeling overwhelmed? You’re not the only one. With the rate of organizational change at an all time high, you’re having to work with more information than ever and under more pressure to perform. It’s nearly impossible to be effective in this type of cognitive overwhelm. On this episode of Your Brain at Work, Dr. David Rock and Dr. Emma Sarro will share how building habits of self regulation can be the key to navigating the challenges of overwhelm in today’s complex world. They’ll dive into the underlying neuroscience of our threat system and how to effectively dampen its response with emotional regulation strategies that both individuals and teams can build. Learn the tangible strategies that can help you and your team regain focus.


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