Surf & Turf: a seafood justice podcast  

Surf & Turf: a seafood justice podcast

Author: Dr. Caroline Ferguson Irlanda

Surf & Turf is a seafood justice podcast that dives deep into the complex and often overlooked issues of access, equity, and justice in the U.S. seafood system. From the docks to the dinner plate, seafood supports communities and economies up and down the coasts, but social, political, and environmental conditions pose significant challenges to the health and well-being of the people who rely on fish for their food and livelihoods. Each week, host Dr. Caroline Ferguson speaks with an extraordinary individual working to create a more just seafood system that nourishes us all.
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Language: en-us

Genres: Documentary, Science, Social Sciences, Society & Culture

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Sari Heidenreich, forced labor in imported seafood
Episode 5
Wednesday, 17 April, 2024

Sari Heidenrich joins guest host Liliana Sierra Castillo to talk about forced labor in seafood. Forced labor is sadly a reality for many people working in imported seafood supply chains. Sari (Greenpeace USA) discusses the conditions that have created and perpetuated this problem, the challenges workers face, and some possible pathways toward solutions. This conversation highlights the importance of knowing who caught our seafood to make ethical choices that nourish our bodies and those of everyone laboring in the seafood system.Greenpeace USA Global Fisheries websiteFake My Catch report on canned tuna traceability


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