Extraneous: His Dark Materials  

Extraneous: His Dark Materials

Author: Mischief Media

A podcast that goes deep on the stories we love, and comes back with a little something extra. Currently covering His Dark Materials.
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Language: en-us

Genres: Arts, Books

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Pandemonium | His Dark Materials, Amber Spyglass, Ch 16 and 17
Thursday, 22 July, 2021

Halfway through book three, y'all! In this episode, who's playing who, Mrs. Coulter or Lord Asriel? Also, the mulefa have their own Genesis story: what are the implications of that on the multiverse? And if hell is where those who exercise cognition and creation exist, does that mean we are all there always? It's pandemonium, literally, this week! ~*~ Don't forget to check out our Extraneous merch and more over at Mischief Merch! Remember to send us your thoughts via email or a voice message with your theories:! We have a Patreon! Join our ever-growing community by going to today! Also follow us on Twitter and Instagram, and join our Facebook group for even more HDM discussion goodness! Extraneous is a part of the Mischief Media network.  Produced by Jaanelle Yee // hosts Melissa Anelli and William Redden. Audio clips (c) BBC


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