Hard Money's Million Dollar Podcast  

Hard Money's Million Dollar Podcast

Author: The Hard Times

Enrique Abeyta is a 25 year stock market warrior and former hedge fund manager who has managed billions of dollars. Matt Saincome is the founder of punk comedy website The Hard Times who has only managed to read too much Wall Street Bets and mess up his robinhood and coinbase accounts pretty bad. The unlikely duo are now teaming up with a single mission: Take 10,000 of Matt's money and turn it into a cool 1 million, one week at a time. Through investments, trading, online poker (where Matt got his start), side hustles, and anything else they can think of, these cohosts take listeners along for the ride as they flex every entrepreneurial, money-making muscle they have in the ultimate go big or go home challenge. They'll even call up some of Enrique's brightest friends from the financial world, like co-host Gabe Marshank, to help out. The only rule: It's 1 million, or 0. The pod doesn't stop until they hit one number or the other.
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Language: en

Genres: Business, Investing

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Wednesday, 1 January, 1000


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