Choose Life Radio  

Choose Life Radio

Author: Jill Taylor

Choose Life Radio Network (CLRN) is a faith-based radio passion project focusing on the sanctity of human life. The show is hosted by Jill Taylor. Her commitment to Christ and passion for life issues led her to found the Choose Life Radio Network. The hour weekly AM / FM broadcast, features interviews with persons known for their strong commitment to life. For more information and to support this life affirming ministry, visit
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Language: en

Genres: Government

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Kurt Kondrich
Thursday, 27 March, 2025

Very special friend of Choose Life Radio, Kurt Kondrich, joins us again today to beautifully highlight the value of every single LIFE! He and his wife knew that their unborn daughter would likely have Down's Syndrome. But they also realized—without question—they were chosen to be her parents. In this interview, Kurt shares about the vulnerability and beauty of trusting a God whose plan exceeds anything we could imagine.


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