The Spouse Benefit Plan by US VetWealth  

The Spouse Benefit Plan by US VetWealth

Helping career military families keep or opt out of the Survivor Benefit Plan

Author: Jen Amos

The Spouse Benefit Plan - Helping military couples and seasoned spouses keep or opt out of the Survivor Benefit Plan Check out our growing list of resources at our website or contact Jen at Connect with us on social media: The Spouse Benefit Plan has been appeared or featured in M.E. Magazine, USVW TV, Military Money Mistakes, Lessons Learned for Vets Podcast, Get2Vet Podcast, ShoutoutSoCal and The Rosie Network's 5th National Veteran & Military Spouse Entrepreneur Awards. This show is intended to be educational and not to be taken as financial advice. To discuss your unique financial situation, reach out to our show sponsor, US VetWealth at or email Jen Amos Enjoy our show? Kindly leave us a 5-Star written review on Apple Podcasts, Podchaser or write a LinkedIn Recommendation for Jen Want to hear more from Jen? Check out our parent show and award-winning podcast, Holding Down the Fort
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Language: en

Genres: Business, Government, Investing

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010: "There's only a benefit when there's a survivor." Season Finale of The Spouse Benefit Plan with Jen Amos and Scott R. Tucker
Episode 10
Tuesday, 1 August, 2023

010: "There's only a benefit when there's a survivor." Season Finale of The Spouse Benefit Plan with Jen Amos and Scott R. TuckerJen Amos returns for the overdue season finale of The Spouse Benefit Plan by US VetWealth podcast! This show started around two years ago as a spin-off of Holding Down the Fort by US VetWealth podcast to help military spouses make informed decisions about the Survivor Benefit Plan. Jen discusses how the show came to be and her own journey of learning about the SBP. Now, she invites her husband and Founder of US VetWealth, Scott R. Tucker, to announce their newest resource, Military Retirement Blueprint, and Scott's new book Don't Forget Your War Chest. Scott provides an overview of the free resources available in the Military Retirement Blueprint to help military retirees. Together, they emphasize that their goal is to educate military families about alternative options beyond just the Survivor Benefit Plan.Thanks for listening!The Military Retirement Blueprint is the perfect knowledge library for career retiring military officers who want to make the most of their retirement. This specialized program provides training, guides, consulting, investment-grade insurance strategies, financial & retirement planning, and more. Join for FREE today by visiting: served at least 20 years... Have you ever thought about how you can get the most out of your military pension? If you're a military retiree, "Don't Forget Your War Chest" is your guide to a wealthier, more secure retirement. It reveals the War Chest Strategy—a powerful way to optimize your military pension, privatize your income, and safeguard your future earnings. Purchase the book today by visiting: for another podcast show to listen to? Subscribe to our sister podcast, Holding Down the Fort by US VetWealth! Season 7 returns in Fall 2023 and will feature The Rosie Network's Service2CEO Program Cohort Members. These military-connected entrepreneurs will share their journey of how they practice a self-sufficient and financially autonomous lifestyle through entrepreneurship. Subscribe today by visiting As of summer 2023, The Spouse Benefit Plan by US VetWealth podcast will be on hiatus. For a continuation of the Survivor Benefit Plan discussion, we invite you to join US VetWealth's FREE resource hub, Military Retirement Blueprint, which also includes a FREE digital copy of Scott R. Tucker's latest book, Don't Forget Your War Chest. Join today by visiting out our growing list of resources at our website or contact Jen at jen@usvetwealth.comConnect with us on social media:


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