Barely Friending  

Barely Friending

Author: Barely Friending

They used to date each other, they kind of hate each other and now they have a Podcast. Two comedians answer your emails and give you brutally honest life and dating advice.
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Language: en

Genres: Comedy, Comedy Interviews

Contact email: Get it

Feed URL: Get it

iTunes ID: Get it

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Is This Our Last Episode?
Sunday, 28 April, 2019

Hey guys! We want to thank you all so much for making this an amazing couple of years with the podcast. Thanks so much for listening week after week and for all of your emails, artwork, and support! We hope you enjoyed listening as much as we did recording! We will never forget y'all! TYSM for all the amazing memories! Your internet mom and dad love you very much! Please take care of yourselves. Check out Eddie's new podcast here:


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