The Revolutions  

The Revolutions

Author: SpiderWebShow

Join host Camila Diaz-Varela as she explores the process of creating The Revolutions this past September at the Isabel Bader Centre for the Performing Arts in Kingston. We have always been challenged by process based blog posts about creation, and we hope this podcast will continue to feature discussions on the dramaturgical question: what defines Canadian theatre now? is the first and only nationally-driven performing arts website of its kind in Canada. It is a practice-based network where cultural change is captured and examined.
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Language: en

Genres: Arts, Performing Arts, Technology

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Erin Ball - Thought #13 - The Pleasure of Processing Thoughts
Friday, 31 May, 2019

Hi. I am in my car, ah, so this might sound horrible but if I don’t do this now I am not sure when I will have time. I am heading to the airport and then off for busy several days. Umm, and I think that this is my last,  umm, thought for the Spiderweb Show, ah, so I have been thinking about the benefits and why this has been so great, ahh, sharing my thoughts and recording my thoughts this month. It has helped me to realize that I say ahh and umm a lot (laughing). Umm, it’s helped me with confidence. Umm, today I gave a talk in front of a fairly large group of people and I did it pretty much unscripted which, I don’t know if I have ever done. Umm, this month sharing my thoughts in this way I’ve done it all unscripted and I think that’s just been really good practice. In addition, having the time to check in, to notice what my thoughts are, to process my thoughts. It’s been really helpful and it’s been a wonderful experience and I want to thank everybody who has listened and thank you so much to the Spiderweb Show for having me. Bye. 


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