Boring Bill Podcast  

Boring Bill Podcast

If you have trouble in getting to sleep then why not try listening to 'Boring Bill'? Boring Bill has a microphone pointed at him and then he'll rant for the length of the podcast. If you have any ideas for things for Bill to talk about or any questions yo

Author: Boring Bill

If you have trouble in getting to sleep then why not try listening to 'Boring Bill'? Boring Bill has a microphone pointed at him and then he'll rant for the length of the podcast. If you have any ideas for things for Bill to talk about or any questions you would like to ask him about his life for him to answer on the podcast- email:!
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Language: en-us

Genres: Health & Fitness, TV & Film

Contact email: Get it

Feed URL: Get it

iTunes ID: Get it

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Boring Bill 34 - UK Television Stations
Saturday, 16 October, 2010

Boring Bill has returned has another podcast on UK Television Stations, at the request of one of our subscribers. Sorry for the sound quality, but enjoy!


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