The Colic Diaries from Colic SOSAuthor: Becky Palmer
Colic can be a nightmare for so many parents. It affects 1 in 5 babies worldwide but what is colic and how can you help your baby? In this podcast, Rebecca chats to mothers, sharing their experiences of life with a colicky baby, their coping mechanisms and what worked for them. As a colic expert, Rebecca discusses colic, it's causes and shares her knowledge with the listeners. If you are a mum struggling with colic, reflux or just a miserable and grumpy baby, this podcast is the perfect listen Want to get in contact with Rebecca? You can email Language: en Genres: Kids & Family, Parenting Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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Colic Chat with The Nurture Consultant - Getting to Grips with Baby's Sleep
Episode 4
Saturday, 5 December, 2020
Those first few months with a newborn baby can be exhausting, especially when sleep deprivation hits. I chat with Hannah McDade who is a sleep consultant all about; Realistic sleep expectations we should have for newborn babies 4 month sleep regression Sleep for colicky & reflux babies Where young babies should nap If you would like to reach out to Hannah then you can find her website here; also @thenurtureconsultant on Facebook and Instagram.