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Childless not by ChoiceAuthor: Civilla M. Morgan
This podcast is about the childless not by choice demographic on a global level. If like me, you are childless not by choice, this podcast, my platform, is a place for you to find community and understanding. Childless not by choice women and men can many times be misunderstood or ignored by society, and I want to change that. I invite everyone to listen and to realize we are not all living the same lives. When we realize this, our minds will open up to the fact that we can treat each other with understanding, empathy, and grace. Language: en Genres: Documentary, Education, Self-Improvement, Society & Culture Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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Episode 171--Love or Indifference
Episode 171
Wednesday, 26 February, 2025
Hello, and welcome to episode 171 of the Childless not by Choice Podcast. My name is Civilla Morgan. My mission is to recognize and speak to childless not by choice women and men worldwide, reminding us that we can live joyful, relevant, fulfilled, childless not by choice, lives. Whether you have children or not, thank you for tuning in! What is today’s show about? Love Thank you Patreon contributors: I want to thank my Patreon contributors, the people who contribute monthly to the platform. Your contributions help pay the salaries of my podcast producer and host, Zoom, where I interview most of my guests, and other expenses. Thank you very much! If you are not yet a Patron, visit patreon.com/childlessnotbychoice to set up your monthly contribution. No matter your giving level, I have a gift for you! If you prefer to give via PayPal, you can find me there at booksbycivillamorgan@gmail.com. Your contributions to the platform are greatly appreciated! Thank you! https://www.patreon.com/Childlessnotbychoice Questions or comments? Contact me at: Email: Info@civillamorgan.com Or Visit the website at www.childlessnotbychoice.net, look to the left on the home screen, and click on the link below the telephone to leave me an up to 90-second voicemail. Body of episode: When I was thinking about the content for this episode, I considered discussing the different types of love. Love of parents. Love of a child. Falling in love. You know, love. But then I wondered, what is the opposite of love? My immediate response would be hate. You would think so. But I like writer Elie Weisel’s opinion on the opposite of love: indifference. He also said "The opposite of art is not ugliness, it's indifference" and "The opposite of faith is not heresy, it's indifference". Indifference. What do you think about when you hear the word indifference? I believe indifference is the easy way out. Indifference takes less brain power, less critical thinking, less effort. And I believe indifference can be dangerous. We are living in a world where indifference seems to reign. And I believe it is reigning due to fear. Many people are afraid of the way our world is going. There is a lot of hate and division taking place globally. Most people opt to lay low, get to work, run errands, and then run back home. And I get it. There are a lot of stressed-out people out in those streets. And most people do not handle stress well. They become angry, blame, and take out their frustrations on the nearest object, and dare I say, person? Life has not been easy since the dawn of time. We were promised that with more technology we would have more time to relax. But even though we have washing machines and microwaves, we are still so busy we barely have time to sleep. Stress, anger, lack of sleep, and the list goes on. They all add up to a scary situation. A scary society. Regardless, despite, what is going on in the world, I want to remind you that you matter. Your feelings matter. Your life matters. Your livelihood matters. Your existence matters. No matter where in the world you are listening to me from, you matter. I know I say this all the time, but every human on this planet was made in the image of God. I get that this podcast is heard globally, by people of different faiths, or not. And different belief systems. But if you have been listening to me for any length of time, you know I am a Believer. And that means I believe in God. I believe Jesus was not just a prophet, a nice guy. I believe in The Holy Trinity. And with that belief system, I believe what the Bible says. And I try every day, to live by what it says. I don’t wear a cross around my neck because it’s fashionable. I believe what it stands for. And I try to live my life by what it stands for. I am not perfect, but the Bible calls us to perfection, it never says we will be perfect. We just need to spend out lives working toward it. Toward being better humans to each other. Better neighbors. I know some of my listeners are Hindu, Moslem, Jewish, agnostic, Christian, Catholic, atheist. And that’s what I want. I want all of you to listen and hear healing words for your broken heart. Hearts broken like mine, because we did not get to have the children we wanted. From day one, 10 years ago, I said I wanted everyone to listen, and get help from this podcast, no matter your personal beliefs or where in the world you live. And it happened! Thank you for tuning in month after month. Thank you for feedback. Thank you for ratings and reviews over on Apple. Thank you for all of it! It has not always been an easy ride, but it was what I set out to do. I did not realize how hard it would be sometimes. I remember when I lost my first podcast producer. He taught me just about everything I know about the art of podcasting. But it was time for him to move on. That was a tough time for me. I have recorded episodes with guests that sounded so bad I cried. I wanted to give up on podcasting many times. There were guest requests I had to turn down because I was going with my gut, not necessarily because there was anything wrong with the guest. There have been difficult decisions that had to be made, that literally left me crying for days. You may ask why put yourself through that? It’s not even like I am getting millions of downloads per month. In the scheme of things I am smack dab in the middle of average when it comes to downloads. Caring for my parents while working and creating content, that was really hard. As a caregiver the work world doesn’t really care that you are balancing sick parents, doctors appointments, a walker and a wheelchair, with trying to hang on to income. I hope one day caregivers will be recognized for all the work we do which actually saves money for our governments. Living life, grieving, working, creating. It was all happening in real-time for me. And now here I am. Here we are. Life continues. It moves on, with or without us. Life is like a train that has to keep a schedule. You may be running late. You may not have the fare. Life may be interrupting, but she’s leaving the station on time. You know, I always say, life is short. It will pass us by whether we live it to our fullest or not. It will pass us by whether we live someone else’s life or we live our own lives. The lives we were given. Live your life. Lovc your life. Love your family and friends, but be sure to love your life. Articles/links of interest: https://www.brusselstimes.com/1420823/up-to-40-of-women-without-children-by-age-of-30-never-have-them-at-all https://www.sportschosun.com/k-drama/2025/02/crayon-pop-cho-ah-who-has-been-childless-for-46747 Special thank you to: Love My contact information: Website: www.childlessnotbychoice.net and www.civillamorgan.com Facebook: booksbycivillamorgan Instagram: @joyandrelevance Pinterest: Civilla M. Morgan, MSM LinkedIn: Civilla Morgan, MSM https://www.teepublic.com/stores/childless-not-by-choice