The Pony Bits Podcast  

The Pony Bits Podcast

This is a podcast where we analyze various aspects of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic and discuss a wide variety of topics, including but not limited to: episodes of the show, comics based on the show, an in-depth focus regarding character achievement and character development, and many more while we ponder on what to include next...
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Language: en

Genres: TV & Film

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Episode 14 - The Great and Powerful Christopher Walken
Wednesday, 18 November, 2015

On this episode of the Pony Bits Podcast, Jon and Colton actually record another episode and recap and discuss Episode 6 of Friendship Is Magic, “Boast Busters”, in which the GRRREAT and POWERFUL TRIXIE makes her debut! Topics of discussion for this episode include Twilight’s internal conflict throughout the episode, what it would be like to have a friend like Snails in your circle of friends, and what Snips would be like if he were a fan of JoJo. Enjoy!


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