Forever Winter  

Forever Winter

Author: Mark Ryan

The Lady of the jars loves winter, she cherishes the snow. Which is why, using her magic, she makes it a perpetual snowscape in and around her little cottage in the woods. Others are less inclined to her wintery tastes, and with the arrival of the girl from Europa, forces converge on that little slice of powdered white in the forest; threatening to destroy the gift from the stars, and the lady of the jars for good.
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Language: en

Genres: Fiction, Science Fiction

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Part 30 - The Lady of Europa
Episode 31
Sunday, 14 November, 2021

Snug by the fire, with gingerbread and cakes waiting to be devoured; the children sit and wait for the lady of the jars and her wonderful tales of hope to begin. The end has come. Read the story here:


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