PSA: a marching arts podcast  

PSA: a marching arts podcast

Author: Tony McCrackin

We are a podcast centered around the apartment of Josh Clements, Graham Hopkins, and Tony McCrackin. We and guests take a humorous approach to talking about the competitive marching arts as well our lives,
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Language: en

Genres: Arts, Performing Arts

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8: Wash your hands.
Episode 8
Friday, 13 March, 2020

Hello and welcome back for the eighth episode of PSA. This is a from the heart episode from us. We didn't want to filter or edit this, we just wanted to let you know kinda where we're at. This is a rough week for absolutely everyone in the activity, and we're no exception to that. Thank you for listening, stay healthy, and please for the love of god wash your hands. If you would like to find PSA online you can do so below: PSA's Twitter | PSA's Instagram | PSA's Patreon  If you would like to find our hosts and guest on social media you can do so below: Josh: Twitter | Instagram Graham: Twitter | Instagram Tony: Twitter | Instagram


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