GeorgecliffAuthor: George Cliff
Although it is enjoyable to experiment with color schemes by choosing colors randomly based on our individual preferences, there are a number of color combinations, known as harmonic color schemes, that are considered especially pleasing. Harmonic color schemes consist of two or more colors on the color wheel that have a specific relationship based on their position and distance from one another. Language: en Genres: Arts, Visual Arts Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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Color Grid
Episode 1
Friday, 15 January, 2021
Although it is enjoyable to experiment with color schemes by choosing colors randomly based on our individual preferences, there are a number of color combinations, known as harmonic color schemes, that are considered especially pleasing. Harmonic color schemes consist of two or more colors on the color wheel that have a specific relationship based on their position and distance from one another.