MFA: The Parenting Edition  

MFA: The Parenting Edition

Author: Taisha Cameron

These lessons from the theater for raising ourselves and our kids came about after the life altering revelation I made that my MFA in acting trained me for life as a mommy, better than life as a full-time actor. This sometimes musical dramedy in 3 acts, 1 intermission, the length of a sitcom is designed to give mamas (and any caregiver) a break in the day to breathe and reset along with a much needed audio hug. We'll explore some challenging questions, I'll share some stories, and we'll kick things off with the Raise a Glass series. From the Method to mommy meltdowns and all the moments in between, welcome to MFA.
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Language: en-us

Genres: Arts, Kids & Family, Parenting, Performing Arts

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Wednesday, 1 January, 1000


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