Seasons: A Year of Movies  

Seasons: A Year of Movies

Talks about film for every time of the year.

Author: Emma Ramirez and Jacob Benfell

Seasons: A Year Of Movies is a (mostly) weekly podcast where Emma Ramirez and Jacob Benfell talk about a series of films for each season of the year. The movies can be directly connected (a franchise, a director/writer/whatevers filmography) or loosely connected (a thematic through-line.) We alternate picking the seasons theme, so the movies will be as varied as our thoughts are. Well explore why we watch the movies we do when we do, how context changes our understanding of art, geek out, and occasionally get into fights. Accompany us through the changing times of the year.
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Language: en-us

Genres: TV & Film

Contact email: Get it

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Wednesday, 1 January, 1000


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