

The Weekend Word w/ Gregory Nesmith

Author: Gregory Nesmith

The Weekend Word w/ Gregory Nesmith, powered by UNderdogstuff. UNpacking the journey of how Underdogs become first-time investors, entrepreneurs, and executives. The vibe of the TWW w/GN is a community M.B.A. (Making Business Accessible) mixed with real-life, real talk, and real action. Host: Gregory Nesmith, entrepreneur, investor, former global marketing director, and into all things UNderdogstuff. You can get email updates about the future of UNderdogstuff here:
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Language: en-us

Genres: Business

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E112. UNpacking The Startup Journey. 9.12.20
Saturday, 12 September, 2020

Yesterday I submitted an application to the Venture Lab at Wharton “Venture Initiation Program-Xcelerate (VIP-X)” for startups. The application required a pitch deck, filling out a VIP-X questionnaire, and a two-minute video. This was my video ( I guess it wasn’t too bad since I found out last night that I’ve made it to the interview review round next week! VIP-X provides participants: one-on-one advising, seed funding, advanced entrepreneurship workshops, and individualized attention to get participants ready to launch their venture. Fingers crossed I have more good news to share later this month. You can get email updates about all things UNderdogstuff here or text “PHILLY” to (215) 372-0220 to receive text updates. *NEW FALL 2020!* The Weekend Word w/ Gregory Nesmith, powered by UNderdogstuff. Community. Culture. Capital.


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