Exploradio Origins  

Exploradio Origins

Author: Kellen McGee

Exploradio Origins ponders the biggest questions in the universe in 90 seconds. Each episode highlights the work of one of the more than 200 fellows at the Institute for the Science of Origins at Case Western Reserve University. Their research examines the origins of life, the universe, and the strands that connect all of science.Exploradio Origins is a collaboration between WKSU and the Institute for the Science of Origins.
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Language: en

Genres: Natural Sciences, Science, Social Sciences

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Exploradio Origins: Using Physics to Increase Energy Efficiency of LEDs
Thursday, 9 January, 2020

You may know semiconductors from computers: they’re a material somewhere between an electrical conductor and an electrical insulator that can be used as an extremely fast switch. However, semiconductors are also what we have to thank for the revolution in energy-efficient LED lighting technology.


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