The Herd Mentality  

The Herd Mentality

The Herd Mentality calls up Atheists on Twitter to discuss their lives and current events. Critical thinking. Humour.

Author: Adam Reakes

Each week I call up Twitter Atheists from around the globe to discuss issues that are pertinent to them, such as what is going on in their world, how they deal with the religious types and any current affairs we find mutually interesting. I have never met any of them before, so you will be learning with me as we go.
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Language: en-gb

Genres: Philosophy, Society & Culture

Contact email: Get it

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iTunes ID: Get it

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Episode 112 - The Lawrence Krauss Affair!
Friday, 10 August, 2018

Harvey Weinstein comes by my office for a chat. Dr Mel Thomson discusses the Buzzfeed articles.


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