Dynamic Mapping  

Dynamic Mapping

Author: Jeff Mount

Dynamic Mapping is fast, intuitive, metaphorically visual and dynamic. "Visualize your financial future in ten minutes or less. Strategic thinking begins at minute eleven."Financial independence can be yours. Using a "sailing through life" metaphor, you can see whether your boat can reach port at the end of life's journey. Along the way, life will throw rough seas and sub-surface boulders at us (divorce, layoff, illness, etc.). We might also find tailwinds (inheritance, sale of a family business, etc.) that can push us to our destination faster. The Dynamic Map method is prepared to adapt to any of these situations. Pursue your family purpose with an essential family office. This exceptional experience is normally reserved for families with 50 million or more. We have scaled the experience for families who consider themselves "middle-class millionaires."
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Language: en-us

Genres: Business, Investing

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Wednesday, 1 January, 1000


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