The Laws of Stan  

The Laws of Stan

Author: Stanley Rappaport

Hello and welcome to "The Laws of Stan," a podcast dedicated to illuminating the numerous applications of mathematics in the world.My name is Stanley Rappaport, and I'm the host of this show, centred around exploring the impact of mathematics on different industries without delving into complex computations. The goal is to demonstrate how mathematics serves as a universal language underlying problem analysis, definition, and resolution in diverse fields.In this podcast, I'll be interviewing incredible guests from a wide range of industries to discuss the specific aspects of mathematics used in their professions. The show is designed to be accessible to everyone, and we will simplify and explain all mathematical concepts.Enjoy your listening experience!Link to my Linkedin :
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Language: en-us

Genres: Mathematics, Science

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Mathematics in Finance - Ange Valli - Quantitative Analyst at BNP Paribas
Episode 14
Wednesday, 26 June, 2024

For the final episode of season 1 of The Laws of Stan, I would like to conclude my streak of 14 episodes with a loop. The first episode of my 14-episode challenge began with the applications of mathematics in Quantitative Finance, featuring Lucas Ambroz, a back-office quant trader from Bank of America. Later, I recorded a second episode on the same topic with a front-office quant from BNP Paribas. 🏦To offer more diversity, I decided not to post the second episode immediately and instead kept it as a draft to be released as a bonus at the end of the season. This exercise helped me better understand my progression throughout the episodes. Hence, I am pleased to finally reveal the final episode of this season, featuring Ange Valli, a quantitative trader at BNP Paribas.📈Thank you all for your encouragement in this amazing challenge of recording bi-monthly episodes with experts from diverse industries to shed light on the different applications of mathematics in the world. 🧮 🌍Let me know what you thought of my progression … Podcasting is an art, where feedback is the secret weapon 🕵️‍♂️ ⚔️


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